Strumenti Utente

Strumenti Sito


Sanco 8003

Sanco 8003 is a Z80 based personal computer, from year 1982. We got one in working conditions, but we have no operating system disk, no keyboard, and we known nothing about this computer: it just turns on and shows V1.01 on its CRT display.

We wanted to document it, so we created this page. This page has been moved to GitHub, and we are open to external contributions.

The codename of the reverse engineering project is CEDA, as our device came with a shiny proud sticker saying “CEDA”, which probably just stands for Centro Elaborazione Dati (Datacenter, in Italian).


We don't know much about this computer. The Internet doesn't either. For any question or any useful information, open an MR, git send-email or contact us.

sanco8001.txt · Ultima modifica: 2023/02/27 22:43 da giomba